To all incoming School of Music students who will be taking freshman theory . . . .
You’re receiving this email because you’ve been accepted into the School of Music.
As you know, you should plan on taking first-semester theory this fall. We have made special arrangements for you to have access to an on-line music theory tutorial program. This program will help you prepare for our theory sequence (and help you prepare to re-take the theory test if you have not yet passed it!). Music Theory 099 can teach you all the aspects of music theory needed to be comfortable in our first-semester music theory class. Music Theory 099 is available at
The content provider, Music Theory On-Line, is a reputable one. We recommend them each year; they seem to provide the right kind of assistance to incoming students. Dr.C - University School of Music chair in a letter to new students
Hello Mr Parman,
I was a student of yours via your online program last year. I have just completed my first sememster of classes at OU, studying music education and flute performance. I just got my grades back 3.6 in ear training, and a 4.0 in music theory! Since I didn't have theory in high school, your program helped me feel prepared for both my theory class and ear training. I don't know what I would have done without the practice and training in dictation and in intreval recognition. The ear training class was extremely difficult as it was! Thank you for making this course available online.
-M F
Mr. Parman,
I just wanted to let you know that my voice teacher just told me that I scored the highest score in the freshmen class on the theory placement exam.
A - an '05 freshman at Indiana University |
Dear Mr. Parman:
Thank you for your warm letter. I really enjoyed the course which was
excellent in form, content, program and technical structure. I learned a
lot and I am happy that I found something like that on Internet. You are
really superb teacher and I can wholeheartedely congratulate you. If you
are interested why I, practicing physician, took this course I will tell you
shortly my story.
I graduated from music school back in Poland in 1973 and obtained an
equivalent of bachelor of art degree in vocal performance. I was stydying
music simultaneously with medicine (I received MD diploma in 1972). I
always wanted to be an opera singer. However, my voice did not develop well
enough and when I immigrated to the United States in 1978 I became extremely
busy in studying for confirmation in the USA of my Polish medical diploma,
struggling with residency and later opening my medical private practice.
From time to time I tried to exercise my voice but finally I gave up and I
abandoned the idea that sometime in the future I will have sung on the good
professional level. In the age of 56 (almost 2 years ago) I started to
exercise the voice regularly on my own, without teacher, and results are
astounding. Now I have in my repertoire several great tenor arias from
Mozart to Puccini. Although I am too old to sing in opera I may be asked in
the future to sing with orchestra. My knowledge of music theory goes back
over thirty years. I not only forgot 90% what I have learned in the music
school but until now I did not know the music terminology in English. Now,
thanks to your course I am familiar with terminology and basic music
principles. Thank you once more.
Dr. K |
Thank you so much for
Music Theory 099! I really enjoyed it and everything I learned was amazing!
Thanks for all your extra help as well. It has been fantastic to interact
with you! C |
course is fabulous, and I am sorry I'm so tardy with things. You wouldn't
remember but I'm a solo practice ob/gyn and with many colleagues stopping ob
because of a malpractice insurance crisis I'm very busy. I also do
triathlons and have had to sacrifice the music and guitar study for now in
planning my time. I will blast thru the rest of the lessons. I have
enjoyed my interaction with you. best wishes j |
Thanks for your message. I
was very pleased with Lindsey's work for your class. We're currently
recommending your course as the BEST option for our students who need to
"brush up" on theory. We offer a fundamentals course that students may take,
but it doesn't count toward the major and costs much more than your course.
I think that your course is good preparation for all our music courses, but
especially important for the music theory sequence required for music
majors. Dr. R - Associate Professor of Music |
have had good reports from several students who are taking the course and I
hope it will achieve the results we are all looking for! L - Associate
Professor of Music |
Thanks for putting us
on your university list of accepted institutions into your programs. I am
currently doing a curriculum revision with my music faculty and so far, the
music theory faculty like the idea of a remedial music theory course for
those incoming students who need additional help. I'll keep you posted on
when we adopt your curriculum. I support it. It's a great curriculum.
thanks! V - college theory prof |
Thanks so much for the final report. We're up and running here, and I'm
happy to say that the students who completed your course are at a distinct
advantage. I hope we are able to continue some sort of association. B -
college music department chair |
"I would have died to have access to a course like this before I went to
M - a junior high music teacher |
students who took and completed the course last year really benefited from
it. Glad you're offering it again. L - college prof |
Cary said, "I'm glad that I took Parman's music theory course before I went to college. Some of my classmates flunked out, but I did pretty good." Cary is now teaching in Colorado.
This former Music Theory 099 student is starting his music career.